Prospect Education
Teacher . Educator . Tutor
Fida Elbarbar is an experienced and well rounded teacher having taught in both Melbourne and London. With over 12 years of experience, she has a vast curriculum knowledge and a knack for teaching in a way that brings out the best in her students. Please get in touch to find out more about her.

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Professional Summary
Dedicated to Learning
I have been an active practising primary school teacher for over 13 years (5 years in Melbourne, Australia). Due to this experience, I can effectively demonstrate content knowledge from the reception to year 6 curriculum. I have had the privilege of teaching a wide range of lessons in most topics taught (including but not limited to: English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, PSHE, RE, PE, French, The Arts, and RWi.) Due to my extensive range and ability to move around the school to cover and teach these lessons, I have been able to maintain children's interest and used a variety of exciting and engaging methods to teach. Throughout my many years, I have maintained an excellent knowledge of topics and have been able to follow on and improve as the curriculum, teaching methods and societal changes.

Fida Elbarbar
Achievements and Experience
Primary School Teacher / PPA Cover
Colegrave Primary School
Stratford London
September 2015 – August 2021
Primary School Supply Teacher
TimePlan Education
Inner London
January 2014 – July 2015
Primary School Teacher
School of the Good Shepherd
Melbourne Australia
January 2009 - December 2013
November 2009
Master of Teaching
Australian Catholic University
Melbourne Australia
Primary Education
November 2009
Graduate Diploma in Religious Education
Australian Catholic University
Melbourne Australia
Accredited to Teach Religious Education in a Catholic School
November 2005